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David Crowe, host of the awesome podcast The Infectious Myth, interviews clinical hypnotherapist, Grace Joubarne, regarding the gross violations of human rights by the Ministry of Health (Ontario).  The Psychotherapy legislation, particularly the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy, eliminates all natural, holistic, traditional and spiritual care in Ontario…very dangerous and fascist legislation.

Theo Selles, highly regarded Family Therapist explains how the dictatorial Wynne government is eliminating family therapy and subsuming long-standing valued professions under the manufactured profession of ‘psychotherapy’ that is entirely without coherence, core identity or logic.

Awesome explanation of exactly why over 300 non-drug approaches to emotional, spiritual and mental wellness are being eliminated.

Ian Jacklin and SPT Co-founder Grace Joubarne discuss the elimination of natural treatments in Ontario, Canada



SPT co-founder Grace Joubarne was interviewed on Friday October 14, 2016 by Jurgen Vollrath of ‘Against the Grain: News you’re not supposed to know‘.


College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) Q&A Webinar Highlights, April 21 2016 (FOR THE TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CLICK HERE.)  This video contains a quite a number of revealing tidbits that show CRPO’s attitude on issues relating to the controlled act of psychotherapy.  Prepare to be gob·smacked by the contradictory statements, lack of clarity, and incessant fear-mongering to join the College ‘in order to avoid being that awful test case‘.

Below is the verbal communication that took place between representatives of the Canadian Competition Bureau and Stop Psychotherapy Takeover on August 4, 2016, regarding SPT’s extensive submission of July 2016 to the Bureau requesting an investigation into the pharmaceutical cartel’s elimination of the drugless therapy industry in Ontario. Basically, Bureau representatives advised that they cannot take any enforcement action on anti-competition activities involving the provincial government and that cartels are free to create monopolies in Canada simply by inserting representatives into key government positions (such as Minister of Health).

The MindVault TV team, Ava Schriver Dunn and Kevin Dunn, interviewed Stop Psychotherapy Takeover’s Team Leader, Grace Joubarne, along with Canadian healthcare freedom legal expert and the author of SPT’s commissioned legal opinion, Trueman Tuck (R.I.P. Trueman), on Thursday Nov. 5th, 2015, below.

On March 06, 2016, Richard Syrett of The Conspiracy Show radio program interviewed Stop Psychotherapy Takeover Co-founder Grace Joubarne, regarding Legislative Amendments that END the Holistic Health Care Freedoms for ALL Ontarians, below.

A 3 minute introductory video, below.

A 7 minute introduction filmed by “mark.s, the handshake guy”, at Toronto’s 2016 Total Health Show.

A 6 minute introductory video, from September 2014, below.